Cuento corto tradicional en inglés.
Una tortuga y un pájaro son los protagonistas de este breve cuento en inglés. Este cuento clásico contiene una moraleja: es mejor una casa humilde pero llena de afectos, que una mansión lujosa pero solitaria.
The tortoise and the bird
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The tortoise and the bird. |
“Yes, it is made of broken sticks, looks shabby and is open to the elements of nature. It is crude, but I built it, and I like it.”
“I guess it’s just like any other nest, but not better than mine”, said the tortoise. “You must be jealous of my shell, though.”
“On the contrary”, the bird replied. “My home has space for my family and friends; your shell cannot accommodate anyone other than you. Maybe you have a better house. But I have a better home”, said the bird happily.
Moral: A crowded hut is better than a lonely mansion.